Thursday, January 17, 2013

Iggy: A Fan Fiction

          I looked around at the island. It was practically destroyed. There was water everywhere. I never thought it would happen like that. I was supposed to save the world, right? It was my fault. Billions of people were dead because of me. I didn't know what to do.
    "Max. No one was lost. Everyone that was here is very much alive." I was glad to hear my mother's voice. It was comforting. Everyone was safe.
    "Where's the flock? In the caves?" Maybe I worry too much, but I must tell you. You might be thinking, "Ah! Everyone is alive and well!" or "It's not you're fault, Max." But for all of you just joining us on our little adventure, the story isn't over. Its never over. The end of the world? Yeah, it came, but a new one is just beginning. A new story. A new plot. A new plan. Like I said, if you are new here, we have wings. We have been running for our lives forever. Raised in dog crates and experimented on for ages. Yup that's us, Me, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel. Mutant bird-kid freaks on the run.
    "Yes, they are rounding up everyone. Iggy is checking the others for injuries. Gazzy is building bombs. He claims that they are for emergencies only. Nudge is getting everyone fresh clothing. Angel is going around with them all. I see you, Fang, and Dylan survived." Dylan. I was sick of that name. Sure, he just tried to save us, but how was I supposed to, how do most adults put it, forgive and forget when he was a hair away from killing Fang? Fang. He was always there for me. Well, usually. He left a few times, but he had my back since we were babies. Fang. I loved Fang.
    "Good. I think we were going to look around for a while. See if we can find anything."
    "Alright. Be careful, Max." That was the last thing she said before going back to the caves.
    "Where do we start?" I could feel the sting of his soft voice in my heart.
    "Lets start by the water and work our way in" I knew Fang was staring at me. It felt like a hole burning through my skin. I walked ahead of the boys trying to collect my thoughts. I didn't know how long I could put up with this.
   We walked around the island. We searched the ocean. It was strange. You'd think that if a ginormous tsunami took out the entire planet that there would be more floating around out there. The water was crystal clear, too. It was getting dark.
    "Maybe we should head back to the houses and check on the flock," Fang said gently. "It is getting kind of dark."
    "Yeah." I spread my wings wide and flew into the sky. I loved flying. I felt free when I flew. It was natural to me. Peaceful. I flew into my tree house as the boys flew to check back with everyone else. I sat down on my bed and looked to my left. There was a note. I picked it up and read it.

Maximum Ride,
                          I hate to be the one to inform you of such tragic news. The world has not ended. The world has been reformed. This is awful news. Not at all the way it was intended. We have expanded the School and the Institute. We will be coming for you soon, Max. It is vital you come with us. This can mean life or death. Not the life and death of the world alone but the life and death of superhuman races- just like your flock. When we arrive, you must come, unless you want the flock to die. I'm sure you don't want to see that. Please, Max. Come with us if you want your flock alive and well. They could die at any minute. Come for the flock. Come for the world.

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