Saturday, January 5, 2013


The flock got into a major fight today. Iggy got mad because Fang was being bull headed. Angel got upset. She didn't want the flock to fight. Iggy left and claims its forever. Gazzy will probably go with him. I have no idea what Angel and Nudge will do. That kind of scares me. Fang was wrong, but I'll most likely stay with him. Even if I didn't want to, I owe him one. He stayed when Angel and Jeb tried to take over the flock. I HAVE to fix this. I can't let my flock fall apart AGAIN! When we do it feels like I take a bullet every time. Maybe it'll get better. It always has before. *deep breath* Let's hope for the best.
                                                  Fly On!
                                                        -Maximum Ride

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